Love’s Prize

Mand, mum & dad - 1974I’d like to share a poem written by my beautiful mother, Ruth, a few days ago. It’s fitting with the themes of Christ and family I’ve been writing on of late.

I hope it blesses you as it did me…


I remember my child upon my breast
Heart of my heart, bone of my bone,
Overwhelming love and joy and peace,
Holding you there as a prize well won.
Your tiny fingers tapped on my chest,
Little sounds of contentment as you drank,
Child of my flesh — wonders yet to be known —
With a look in your eyes of such tenderness.

I remember my Saviour drawing me
Into His arms, safe home at last,
Overwhelming love and joy and peace,
Holding me there as a prize well won.
His awesome power, His gentle arms
Enfolding me in His safe embrace,
Lord of my spirit, Giver of grace,
With a look in His eyes of such tenderness.

I remember O Lord, the hurting ones,
The weary, broken and angry souls;
They cry out for love and compassion and peace
Not realising that their battle’s been won:
The Son on the cross, arisen in power,
Secured their forgiveness and showed the face
Of the Father who loves them and welcomes them home
With a look in His eyes of such tenderness.

Ruth Kirsten, 20 April 2009


Three Generations Three generations of gorgeous women… on the left is my wonderful mum Ruth, that’s me on the right and in the middle is my beautiful daughter Renee. You don’t need to look too closely to see that we’re related. Mum and I have the same eyes, and look at that row of smiles all lined up! We’ve each inherited DNA that provides that visible link from mother to daughter.

What you can’t see in this photo – but perhaps get an inkling of in the twinkle of our eyes – is just how similar we are on the inside too. Of course I’m not just talking about bones, arteries and muscles (not that I seem to have so many of those as I get older!), but the inner person – what makes you YOU, the secret part that no-one else sees.

We’re three generations of Christian women who have been gloriously rescued from the clutches of sin, scooped up into the arms of a wonderful Saviour who has given us a new life and a place in His family. If you could see us on the inside, I imagine you’d see some kind of white light – the most breathtaking, radiating light that fills every cavity and leaves no room for shadows.

Jesus is pure – what a beautiful word that is. For me it conjures up images of crisp white sheets, fresh vanilla scent, spotless doves, powdery snow. But of course it’s so much more than that – and I don’t mean to compare Jesus to sheets and vanilla! Other words for ‘pure’ are perfect, spotless, unspoiled, innocent, uncorrupted… and that’s what Jesus is. He’s the holy Son of God; there’s nothing impure or imperfect about Him, nothing evil, nothing corrupt, nothing dirty.

Remember I mentioned that He rescued the three of us? The knight on the white horse, galloping forward and risking all to wrest us out of the enemy’s hand? When He did so, He gave each of us a new life, and His spirit. We each carry that thread of DNA from Jesus deep inside us – and that’s why I confidently say that if you could see inside my little Renee and my beautiful mum and even me, you’d find we’re pure and white too!

And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. ~ 1 John 3:3

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew 5:8

Just Like Him

baby-neilI read that once you have a child, a part of your heart will now forever walk around outside your body.

It’s truly amazing and wonderful to be involved in creating a life. From the moment you hold your tiny baby, he’s completely reliant on you – and not just for food, warmth and an abundance of cuddles. From his very first breaths, he will begin to learn from you, to feed off who you are – your likes and dislikes, your passions, your beliefs, the behaviour choices you make. He grows, and you revel in the precious joyful moments when he acts or thinks like you do.

Our ability to create life and to mold and shape the lives of our children is a reflection of what God does every day. Before you were born, he daydreamed about you, thought about what you’d look like and the kind of personality you’d have, and what you’d do when you grew up… and then He breathed life into you, and you were born, a little “mini-me” of the almighty God and the perfect Father.

And here’s the miracle: He made you just like Him – imagine that, just like God. It’s hard for our minds to comprehend this sometimes, but it’s true. We are children of God, and as his children, He’s put inside us everything we need to live just like Him.

When I say just like Him, I mean it. Just like Him. But how can this be possible? How can I, one little person on a planet of billions, be just like the awesome God of the universe and time and eternity? Not only is He so big and so powerful, but He’s perfect. He never makes a mistake. There’s nothing bad in Him. He’s so perfect He glows white with a pure holy light. How can I be just like Him?

Mother & sonThe answer is profoundly simple, if you can grasp it. Just as my son was formed from the life in me, and exhibits features and behaviours that clearly show he is mine, you and I are formed from the life of our Father. We are born of God, from His seed. So we have that perfect, holy, shining seed inside of us. We can be just like Him – because we are.

It’s incredible, but we have everything inside of us that we need to face this world, with all its darkness and ugliness at times. We don’t have to be like the world. We don’t have to conform to the depression, the jealousy, the selfishness, the mean-spiritedness, the lack of hope in these difficult days.

With God’s life – His spirit – inside us, we can live a life of peace, holiness and hope. And we walk around with a part of His heart inside our body.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him… ~ 1 John 3:9a

Who am I? The age-old question…

PonderingsHmm… the big question. The one that has been pondered upon, mused over, screamed out in desperate frustration by men and women through the ages. The obvious answers are the immediate labels we’re so good at putting on ourselves; let’s see, I’m a woman, Australian, a wife, a daughter, mother, business owner. I have a family tree, a history, an education, an address and a resume – lots of things to define who I am. I’m very busy. So much so that at times I can tear around at a hectic pace, yanking one hat from my head to quickly apply another, or even trying to balance two or three all stacked on top of each other at once. Seems crazy, doesn’t it!

Perhaps looking in the mirror will help. I have a friendly face and a warm smile. I’ve always liked my green eyes and the little freckles that come out on my cheeks when I’ve been out in the sunshine. But surely there’s more. Surely I am more than a mum and a writer, more than freckles and fourth-generation Aussie. As proud as I am that all these things are a part of who I am… surely there’s more?

And then the quiet whisper comes:
“I have redeemed you and called you by name…. Child, you are Mine.”

Can it be? It’s the voice of God; He’s whispering in my heart.

“I made you… I’ve given you a future and a hope. I have given you life… and not just any ordinary life, but an abundant life, overflowing with wonder. I want to take you on a journey – a marvellous adventure filled with new sights and sounds, new flavours to taste. I’ll lead you into things that you’d never even imagine. All I ask is that you let Me lead. You see, it doesn’t matter who you think you are. All that matters is who I am. And when you discover Me, and let me fill you, allow Me to walk and talk with you as I did with Adam in the garden, you’ll find yourself full and satisfied like a baby who’s just been fed, and you won’t need to cry desperately, ‘Who am I? Is there more?'”

Of course He’s right. In fact He’s always right, and true, and just. You know, the best mirror, far more truthful than the most ornate, silver hand mirror any princess could wish to hold, is the Word of God. It gives a true reflection of just who you are, and sees right into your heart, past your hair and eyelashes.

Hold it up and take a look. You’ll see yourself as God sees you… holy, beautiful, the apple of His eye (yes, that line came from the Bible!), part of the royal family of God Himself, a saint, spotless, strong, a conqueror, the light of the earth, the hope of the world, perfect… yes, perfect!

For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. ~ 1 Samuel 16:7 ~

Barefoot in the grass…

shutterstock_2196937Welcome. Thanks for stopping by. I’ve started this blog because I’ve felt an inner urge to put down some thoughts about the true, living, dynamic life we can have in knowing Jesus Christ.

It’s important, because so many people throughout the world believe in God, or a spirit, or call themselves religious, without ever discovering the wonderful personal relationship we can have with the loving, eternal, powerful and very real God who died for us yet keeps on living.

Do you remember sun-dappled days as children, playing hide ‘n’ seek amongst the trees? There are some mysteries that we will not fully understand until we get to heaven; but God promises that if we seek him diligently, He will reveal Himself. Our big brother Jesus waits every day for us to come find Him. He’s just behind that old, weathered tree, and He’s tingling in anticipation of the knowledge that any moment you’ll pop your head around the worn trunk and find Him again in a whole new way…

So come play a while. Leave your grown-up ideas of religion with your shoes, and get ready to run barefoot through the grass…